Every employer must inform the employees on what data are collected, transferred, and stored by the employer, what technical and organizational measures are implemented in the company. Employees who have access to personal data when performing their job functions shall be trained and informed on how to ensure the security of such personal data.

ECOVIS ProventusLaw assists the companies and organizations in adapting their business processes with the personal data regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation, performs analysis of the lawfulness of personal data processing and implementation of technical and organizational measures in the company.

Ms. Loreta Andziulytė, Ms. Brigida Bacienė , and Ms. Milda Šlekytė are certified as Information Privacy Professionals/Europe by the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), therefore, our team has a comprehensive GDPR knowledge, perspective, and understanding to ensure compliance and data protection success in Europe and employees’ data protection as well as data transfers of such employees, privacy statements, workplace, and correspondence surveillance.

ECOVIS ProventusLaw team:

  • consults on the issues regarding the processing of personal data of employees  in the company;
  • prepares policies for the processing of personal data of employees, which regulate the principles of collection, use and storage of the personal data, indicate the purposes of and measures for the processing of personal data of employees, determine who may access personal data etc.;
  • prepares procedures for the use of information and communication technologies and for the monitoring and control of employees at the workplace; prepares other necessary procedures related to the processing of personal data.

Loreta Andziulytė

Attorney at law, Partner of the Law Firm, Certified Data Protection Expert, Lawyer

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