Every company wants to be sure about good financial standing, therefore it completes financial audit without hesitations. However, when it comes to the independent AML audit, probably more time is spent arguing whether it is really necessary than completing it. But why do you need the independent AML audit?

Reasons why business needs independent anti-money laundering audit

First, it helps you to understand whether the processes work the way they were designed. In other words – do the actions match paperwork.

Second, it is an opportunity for you to evaluate whether you have enough staff. Convincing management and (or) supervisory board that you need additional AML team members sometimes might be hard but the results of the audit can be your undeniable argument.

Third, independent auditors are interested in showing things as they are rather than making something look better than it is. Such an approach helps you to identify gaps and make improvements before the regulator pays a visit. The auditor’s main purpose is to show you where and how to improve operations rather than give a fine as the regulator does.

We can:

– perform independent AML audit;
– perform thematic review(s).

More services:

Know Your Customer (KYC)

ML / TF Risk Assessment

Internal Policies, Procedures and Controls

Compliance Officer and AML Team 

AML Training


reviews and testimonials

ECOVIS has carried out an internal AML audit which was aimed at evaluating the internal regulations and procedures in this field and their compliance with the applicable legislation. During the audit, we received an assessment of the processes already in place, process improvement opportunities as well as practical advice on the implementation of legal requirements in our company’s activities taking into account the nature of our services. Therefore, we can state that the audit has been carried out professionally and it already has practical benefits in improving the company’s activities in the field of AML.

CEO of OPAY solutions

ECOVIS ProventusLaw carried out an AML audit in a professional and high-quality manner. The auditors took our business model into account, looked at the processes applied and IT systems used, therefore, their findings and recommendations had some added value. We also received very useful insights that would allow better implementation of AML requirements in our daily activities.

Compliance Head of NIUM EU

Recently, an independent AML/CTF audit has become almost a necessity rather than a luxury for any company providing financial services. We are glad that our partner ECOVIS ProventusLaw has agreed to provide such service to us and, despite having a very limited period of time, everything has been done in a timely and high-quality manner. I would like to emphasize the experience and professionalism of ECOVIS ProventusLaw employees who have provided this service as well as their communication skills, ability to provide proper grounds for findings, hear out and accept reasoned arguments. We strongly recommend ECOVIS ProventusLaw AML audit service to all market participants.

CEO of Via Payments

The audit of money laundering and terrorist financing prevention carried out by Ecovis ProventusLaw’s professionals helped to take a critical look at the compliance of our ML/TF prevention control procedures with the legislation. Experienced professionals timely performed all tasks agreed in advance and also helped to set the actions preventing from future shortcomings.

Compliance Officer of Elektroninių mokėjimų agentūra


Inga Karulaitytė-Kvainauskienė

Lawyer, attorney at law, partner of the law firm

Contact person


    Knowledge without experience is of little use. Therefore we are proud of having our own valuable experience to share with you.

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