Due to increasing regulatory requirements and new ML/TF trends the obliged entities (EMI, PI, crypto companies, etc.) have to look for the ways how to keep up with the fast-changing environment. Therefore, it is crucial to give proper training to people who join your company.

It is worth mentioning that every employee of the company has to go through the AML compliance training and sometimes it might be challenging to adapt the material to specific needs. It is not enough to simply give an introductory training to everyone, AML compliance personnel needs advanced training.

Requirements for Anti-Money Laundering Training

When designing your training program, you should think of the following:

– when and how the training will be delivered;
– whether external training will be needed;
– how knowledge after the training will be assessed;
– how you will keep records and store training material;
– when a re-fresh will be needed.

Training should be a continuous process so that your employees are up-to-date with the latest regulatory or any internal operational changes, are aware of such things as tipping-off and know what to do when customer’s actions raise suspicions.

We can assist by:

– giving introductory, refresh or specific training to all level of your employees on AML / CTF topic. Check our online platform for already existing training or contact us with personal requests,

– creating training program,

– setting up record-keeping process

More services:

Know Your Customer (KYC)

ML / TF Risk Assessment

Independent AML Audit and Testing

Internal Policies, Procedures and Controls

Compliance Officer and AML Team 

Inga Karulaitytė-Kvainauskienė

Lawyer, attorney at law, partner of the law firm

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    Knowledge without experience is of little use. Therefore we are proud of having our own valuable experience to share with you.

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