ECOVIS ProventusLaw draws up employment contracts with executives, collective agreements, job descriptions, rules of procedure, other labour-related documentation, and local acts. Our lawyers are available to act for employees and employers in entering and terminating employment contracts, including termination of contracts between a company and its executives.

ECOVIS ProventusLaw team:

  • draws up employment contracts in various languages (English, Russian, Polish);
  • evaluates the possibilities of transferring employment conditions of foreign states to employment contracts concluded in accordance with the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania;
  • consults and draws up all the necessary documents for the employment of executives, performance of their activities and termination of employment contracts;
  • advises on the issues related to temporary agency employment, draws up temporary agency employment contracts and all other documents related to temporary agency employment;
  • draws up documents and consults companies on organizational changes and restructuring, transfer of the employer’s business or part thereof;
  • prepares internal documents of the companies regarding the rules of procedure, working and rest time, remuneration systems, etc.;
  • consults the companies on remuneration systems, idle time, employees’ motivation systems, remuneration for work on days off and holidays, overtime, compensation for employees whose work is mobile or involves travel;
  • consults and participates in negotiations with employees or employees’ representatives;
  • advises on organisational change of the employer, optimization of the employer’s activities, reduction of work places and other issues;
  • consults on collective redundancy issues and redundancy procedures in order to ensure compliance with legal obligations, prepares necessary documents;
  • consults on employee selection criteria and formation of a selection committee;
  • assists in the issues regarding labour taxation in Lithuania.

Loreta Andziulytė

Attorney at law, Partner of the Law Firm, Certified Data Protection Expert, Lawyer

Contact person


    Knowledge without experience is of little use. Therefore we are proud of having our own valuable experience to share with you.

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