The DORA Regulation aims to enhance the financial sector’s operational resilience in the EU and to harmonize the rules and standards for the financial entities’ use of information and communication technology (ICT). The DORA Regulation will apply to various financial entities, such as banks, insurance companies, investment firms, payment service providers, and crypto-asset service providers. The DORA Regulation will require the entities to adopt appropriate ICT risk management measures, conduct regular testing and self-assessments, and report on incidents and disruptions.

Our DORA services include:

  • Assessing your current security posture and compliance level with the DORA
  • Identifying the gaps and risks in your network and information systems, and providing recommendations for improvement
  • Designing and implementing security policies, procedures, and controls that meet the DORA requirements
  • Providing training and awareness programs for your staff and stakeholders on the DORA obligations and best practices
  • Assisting you in reporting incidents and breaches to the relevant authorities and stakeholders
  • Preparing you for audits and inspections by the competent authorities and providing support during the process
  • Helping you manage and mitigate the impact of any sanctions or enforcement actions

Loreta Andziulytė

Attorney at law, Partner of the Law Firm, Certified Data Protection Expert, Lawyer

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    Knowledge without experience is of little use. Therefore we are proud of having our own valuable experience to share with you.

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