Over the past decade, financial and economic sanctions have significantly expanded and become much more complex and sanctions violations may occur even when a company or financial institution operates in a non-sanctioned jurisdiction (e.g., China) or engages in transactions with non-sanctioned persons.  Any company or financial institution may inadvertently violate sanctions, and the ignorance of law does not exempt it from liability for sanctions violations.

Voluntary disclosure of the violation and proper cooperation with the sanctions administering authorities (e.g., OFAC, OFSI) may substantially reduce the penalty imposed on a company or financial institution.

ECOVIS ProventusLaw team may:

  • mediates in submitting  voluntary self-disclosure;
  • mediates in applying for a license;
  • represents your company or financial institution in court.

ECOVIS ProventusLaw’s team of sanctions experts consists of banking and financial legal experts highly rated in IFLR1000 2020, IFLR1000 2019 ratings, certified OFAC and international sanctions specialists, legal experts from USA and UK. Consultations may be provided in Mandarin Chinese, Russian, English and Lithuanian.

Inga Karulaitytė-Kvainauskienė

Lawyer, attorney at law, partner of the law firm

Contact person